30.11.2010 | 17:22
Educational Testing Service
ETS veitir einstaklega lélega þjónustu, eins og þeir sem hafa tekið TOEFL eða GRE sennilega þekkja af eigin reynslu.
Í sumar ætlaði ég að skrá mig í GRE, en lenti í vandræðum með að borga. Svo ég hafði samband og spurði hvort vandamálið gæti tengst íslenskum kreditkortum. Svarið sem ég fékk fylgir hér að neðan. Ég er búinn að feitletra það áhugaverða. Eins og sést í bréfinu er mælt með að maður noti Internet Explorer 3.0 eða nýrri (8.0 er nýjastur, en 3.0 kom út árið 1996). Einnig er minnst á vafra sem er nánast ekki til lengur, Netscape. Svo og tölvuframleiðanda sem er ekki lengur til, Compaq. Einnig stýrikerfi sem nánast enginn notar, Windows 3.1- ekki einu sinni í Afríku að ég held.
Þetta hefur sennilega verið samið í kringum 1996 eða 1997 og ekki breyst neitt síðan.
Thank you for contacting the GRE Program.
Dear Guðmundur D Haraldsson,
Regarding your inquiry:
We are sorry to learn that you are experiencing difficulty with the GRE® on-line registration system. Because of some known problems with certain versions of Netscape, we strongly recommend that you use Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 or higher. We also suggest that you download the latest version of Internet Explorer from www.microsoft.com/ie, and then try completing the registration again.
If you are receiving a SYSTEM ERROR, please try the following:
Reopen your session by using your Session ID. Note that you cannot reopen any session that has been submitted.
This is usually an indication that the user's browser does not accept cookies. There can be a few different reasons for this:
. Cookies have been disabled (cookies are enabled by default on all the newer browsers so they would have to have been disabled deliberately).
. The PC being used is within a network that has firewall software that does not allow cookies to be used.
. The PC has personal firewall software that does not allow cookies to be used.
If you continue to experience problems, please send us another e-mail with the following information:
Your name and e-mail address.
A detailed description of the problem and the steps you took leading up to the problem.
The name of your Operating System (Windows 3.1, Windows NT, Mac, etc.).
The name and version number of your web browser.
The name of your Internet Service Provider.
Your PC hardware manufacturer; (Dell, Gateway, Compaq, etc.).
A Screen Print of the error message, if possible
Thank you for your inquiry. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you.
If you have additional questions, please contact our Customer Service team at (866) 473-4373 or (609) 771-7670, or visit our Web site at www.gre.org. If you contact us via e-mail, please include all previous correspondence or a summary of information regarding your inquiry.
ETS is committed to improving your customer service experience. Please take a moment and complete a short Customer Service Survey at .... so that we may identify ways to improve our service to you. If you're unable to access the survey by clicking on the link, please copy the entire link and paste it into the address bar of your web browser.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Be sure to add @ets.org to your address book or safe sender list to ensure that you receive e-mail messages from ETS.
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